The strangely sleep-inducing sound of the hair dryer web315 Sleep

The strangely sleep-inducing sound of the hair dryer

#바다 #풍경 #힐링

After shampooing, the hairdresser’s hands
get busy with a hairdryer, drying your hair.
As your hair comes to life and maybe even
takes on a new style, you feel quite excited.

Interestingly, it’s said that the sound of the hairdryer
is also effective as white noise to help you fall asleep.

In fact, it’s especially good for lulling babies to sleep.
Even sounds that adults might consider
a bit too loud are said to actually make babies feel secure.
Apparently, this is because these sounds are very similar
to the sounds they heard while still in the womb. Isn’t that amazing?

If you’re putting your baby to bed or have trouble sleeping at night,
armed with this video, why don’t you try and
get some decent sleep tonight? :)