A good playlist to listen to while hiking web302 Music, Trip

A good playlist to listen to while hiking

#바다 #풍경 #힐링

Step by step, as the sun shines through the trees,
you make your way up the mountain.

Your body feels light and your mind clears up,
thanks to the potent green scent of the lush forest.

Slowly forgetting the suffocation of daily life as you ascend the mountain,
listening to the rustling of the leaves, you thoroughly enjoy your hike.

We’ve prepared hiking-friendly music for you today.

If you get tired while hiking, stop for a while to
sit somewhere nice and take in the crisp air of the outdoors.
Try to re-energize yourself with this upbeat music!

This weekend, why not climb a mountain to
shake off the drudgery of daily life?
It’ll be reviving and therapeutic, we guarantee that. :)